With fingers in so many pies, we ask the local Geelong creative, just how she manages to fit so much in.


We love the story behind Ernest & Joe. What is your role within the business?
Well, since Mum retired at the beginning of this year, I’m now head honcho. Which is super daunting.
Luke, my Brother, pretty much makes everything and i am basically stuck on the computer most of the time these days, designing, posting orders, doing admin and everything else that keeps a small business alive. I love the times when i am able to get my hands dirty and make pieces though!

It’s a true pleasure to see you thriving in your business as well as being a mother to two cuties, and with 1 on the way. How do you juggle your business and being a mother?
It’s not easy! Haha. We make a lot of sacrifices to remain self employed and live the lifestyle we do, and we work really, really hard! We have had EJ and the Geelong West Social Club since before our Kids were born so it is all they know as far as how and when we work. Violet is in school and Finny goes to daycare a couple of days a week so we can work.. who knows what we’re going to do with baby number 3! I’ll probably just pop him/her in my handbag and take them to work with me!

You have already achieved so much as a business, What’s next for Ernest & Joe?
I am pretty happy with where Ernest and Joe is at, at the moment. We have done so much work to build it up to this point and i am enjoying watching it coast along. With Baby no. 3 coming later this year, we will probably try and maintain the pace that we have at the moment.. in saying that, i do love a challenge and an opportunity when it strikes so i might throw Luke in the deep end on his own!
We also have our second cafe opening early Spring so we are focusing on building that!! It’s a crazy juggling act here!

Visit ernestandjoe.com for 100% hand made jewellery.